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Data backup software at Blitzhandel24

Maximum security for your data The protection of your company-specific data plays an important role when it comes to a professional appearance in everyday life. Therefore, it is important to be... learn more »
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Acronis Cyber Protect Home Office 2024
Acronis Cyber Protect Home Office 2024
Umfassender Schutz für Ihre digitale Welt mit Acronis Cyber Protect Home Office 2024 (ehemals Acronis True Image) Acronis Cyber Protect Home Office: Zuverlässige Cyber Protection-Software Acronis Cyber Protect Home Office (ehemals...
from £65.01 *
Gilisoft File Lock
Gilisoft File Lock
Gilisoft File Lock: Ihr zuverlässiger Schutz für Dateien und Ordner In einer Welt, in der digitale Sicherheit von größter Bedeutung ist, brauchen wir Werkzeuge, die unsere sensiblen Informationen zuverlässig schützen. Egal, ob Sie...
from £14.42 *
Gilisoft File Lock Pro
Gilisoft File Lock Pro
Gilisoft File Lock Pro: Der ultimative Schutz für Ihre Dateien In unserer digitalen Welt, in der wir täglich mit einer Vielzahl von Dateien und Daten umgehen, ist der Schutz unserer Informationen wichtiger denn je. Egal, ob Sie...
from £17.31 *
Gilisoft USB Encryption
Gilisoft USB Encryption
Gilisoft USB Encryption: Schützen Sie Ihre Daten auf tragbaren Geräten In der heutigen digitalen Welt, in der Daten die wertvollsten Güter sind, die wir besitzen, ist es unerlässlich, diese vor unbefugtem Zugriff zu schützen. Egal, ob es...
from £23.09 *
Gilisoft Secure Disc Creator
Gilisoft Secure Disc Creator
Gilisoft Secure Disc Creator: Ihr zuverlässiger Partner für sichere Datenträger In einer Welt, in der Datensicherheit immer wichtiger wird, suchen wir ständig nach Methoden, unsere sensiblen Informationen vor unbefugtem Zugriff zu...
from £23.09 *
Gilisoft Any Files Encryptor
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Gilisoft Any Files Encryptor: Der ultimative Schutz für Ihre Dateien In einer Zeit, in der Daten die wertvollsten Güter sind, die wir besitzen, ist es unerlässlich, dass wir sie vor neugierigen Blicken und unbefugtem Zugriff schützen. Ob...
from £23.09 *
Gilisoft DRM Protection
Gilisoft DRM Protection
Gilisoft DRM Protection: Der ultimative Schutz für Ihre digitalen Inhalte In der heutigen digitalen Welt ist der Schutz von Daten und Inhalten unerlässlich. Ob Sie ein Professor, Filmemacher, Geschäftsmann oder einfach ein Individualist...
from £51.28 *
Gilisoft Copy Protect
Gilisoft Copy Protect
Gilisoft Copy Protect: Ultimativer Schutz für Ihre Dateien In einer digitalen Welt, in der Daten und Dateien von unschätzbarem Wert sind, ist der Schutz dieser Informationen wichtiger denn je. Ob es sich um sensible...
from £51.28 *
Gilisoft USB Lock
Gilisoft USB Lock
Schützen Sie Ihre Daten mit Gilisoft USB Lock In der heutigen digitalen Welt ist der Schutz sensibler Daten von größter Bedeutung. Ob im Büro oder zu Hause, der unautorisierte Zugriff auf vertrauliche Informationen kann schwerwiegende...
from £23.09 *
Gilisoft Privacy Protector
Gilisoft Privacy Protector
Schützen Sie Ihre Privatsphäre mit Gilisoft Privacy Protector In der heutigen digitalen Welt ist Privatsphäre mehr als nur ein Schlagwort. Es ist ein Grundrecht, das jeder schützen sollte. Ob Sie Ihren Computer mit anderen teilen oder...
from £17.31 *
Gilisoft Data Recovery
Gilisoft Data Recovery
Effiziente Datenwiederherstellung mit Gilisoft Data Recovery Wer hat nicht schon einmal wichtige Daten verloren? Sei es durch ein versehentliches Löschen, eine beschädigte Festplatte oder einen hartnäckigen Virus – der Verlust von Daten...
from £33.93 *
Gilisoft Private Disk
Gilisoft Private Disk
Maximale Sicherheit mit Gilisoft Private Disk In unserer heutigen digitalen Welt ist der Schutz sensibler Daten unerlässlich. Haben Sie sich jemals gefragt, wie Sie Ihre wichtigen Dateien, Dokumente und Ordner vor neugierigen Blicken...
from £17.31 *
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Data backup software at Blitzhandel24

Maximum security for your data

The protection of your company-specific data plays an important role when it comes to a professional appearance in everyday life. Therefore, it is important to be able to back up your own data and make sure that documentation does not become a problem. With state-of-the-art offers from the manufacturers EaseUS, AOMEI and Acronis, it is possible to access high-quality and professional data recovery software for one's own needs.

Always the best choice for business

Data backup programs are a good choice not only for private applications, but also for business purposes. Even before an emergency, they offer the opportunity to ensure a full and well thought-out recording and to resort to suitable solutions. To secure data, professional backups are usually one of the simplest means. Thus, data backup becomes a holistic and detailed application to improve operational security and unified data flow.

The loss of data is a major risk factor for any company, which is why modern and structured concepts are essential. These are provided by modern systems from EaseUS, Acronis and AOMEI, which provide the appropriate structures for all types of data. For classic documents and image files as well as for videos, mails and audio files, you can thus ensure a fast recovery and make the systems more flexible. Data storage thus becomes a decisive approach.

Your reasons for professional data backup

To ensure that all content is backed up professionally, you can choose from numerous programs for data backup. These can do much more than just design and implement backups, but are also a good choice in other areas. The following functions and applications are part of data backup in this regard and make it possible to ensure practical and convenient implementation:

  • Reacting to hard disk damage
  • Storage and recording of data
  • Clearly arranged storage and data recording
  • Restoration and shaping of data packages
  • Protection against the loss of individual partitions
  • Holistic recording of data collections

Of course, which functions are used in the operational application depends on your individual needs. With the right data protection solution, it is easy to optimize existing structures and ensure that data protection can once again be fully focused on. The numerous offers from manufacturers such as AOMEI or Acronis create additional flexibility and simplify the sending and transferring of data.

With Acronis to modern services

For complete image backups as well as individual backups of folders and files, Acronis True Image is a great choice. With a one-time purchase, you can create countless backups, for example, to manage external hard drives or to take care of the necessary network shares. In this respect, an efficient protection for your data awaits you, allowing you to benefit from a clear management.

To keep an eye on security while creating new backups, this should only be done via selected WLAN networks. With Acronis, therefore, there is the possibility of providing secure and clear management. Both uploads and downloads of backups thus become a secure and reliable affair within the framework of Acronis. If you are looking for a modern solution for backing up your own data, you can hardly go wrong with Acronis True Image.

EaseUS as a versatile data solution

There are also many professional solutions from EaseUS, which means that data backup can succeed without any qualitative restrictions. Solutions such as EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Professional 13.2 full version are ideal for both rescuing and designing and implementing backups. Thus, the optimal protection setting for your data does not take much time, allowing you to benefit from an excellent solution. Thus, around the offers of EaseUS, you'll have an easy time backing up your data and increasing its quality.

At this point, creating backups is an important approach that you should also use for yourself. Here, the type of industry does not matter, but only the amount and presence of the data you have. Thus, with modern solutions from EaseUS, you have the chance to connect all data collectively and build up a structured backup. This way, the protection around your company remains constant at all times.

Compact and reliable backups with AOMEI

Another provider with a wide range in the field of data backup is AOMEI. With AOMEI OneKey Recovery Professional, a device can be set to use the backup and recovery program, increasing the security of systems. Of course, the backup itself can be implemented for individual partitions or for the entire hard disk. This way, you keep control around your storage space at all times and know how to use your AOMEI software for data backup.

Thanks to the advanced settings, you can expect numerous options for design and implementation. Also, the encryption and compression function is great for saving storage space and keeping the normal state within the storage. In this way, with AOMEI you'll benefit from a backup that will protect you from hackers and at the same time allow you to cover yourself for systemic failures. As a result, recovery does not become a problem, but can be realized within the shortest possible time.

Backup before recovery - keeping the structure intact

If the data backup is no longer sufficient, data recovery is usually used. However, in most cases this is very price-intensive and could be avoided with a well thought-out backup concept. The packages from the manufacturers EaseUS, AOMEI, and Acronis are a popular choice here and make it easy to secure yourself optimally. If the danger of data loss is imminent, there are no more critical situations this way.

With a structured concept within the data backup, you therefore have it in your hands to avoid the rescue as completely as possible. With so many advantages, it is easy to ensure that systems are backed up and that you always have an overview. In combination with the necessary security, it is much easier to focus on the actual activities in the company and to work on a structured solution.

Ideal for any device

Diversity for additional devices is also a decisive advantage when it comes to selecting suitable software. This is why many of our software offerings offer the option of multiple licenses, which means that recovery need not be a problem. The more devices thus have the necessary data, the better the structuring and interpretation of one's own content will work. But why does it make sense to connect data backup with company smartphones and tablets?

  • Clear display on all devices
  • Simple and location-independent access
  • Encryption in all environments
  • Immediate backup on smartphone inputs
  • Easy merge for any restore
  • Fast and remote system reset

Back up your internal data now

Now, if you want to secure yourself just in case, you can choose the appropriate software. Thus, with EaseUS, AOMEI and Acronis, you have the perfect set for operational backup and resort to structured solutions. This way, you are prepared for the worst case scenario and can rely on a structured backup. Combined with the wide selection, it's best to simply decide for yourself which applications are best. With our manufacturers, you always get the latest products and can back up your data. This way, you will always stay up to date when it comes to your data backup.


Maximum security for your data The protection of your company-specific data plays an important role when it comes to a professional appearance in everyday life. Therefore, it is important to be... learn more »
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Data backup software at Blitzhandel24

Maximum security for your data

The protection of your company-specific data plays an important role when it comes to a professional appearance in everyday life. Therefore, it is important to be able to back up your own data and make sure that documentation does not become a problem. With state-of-the-art offers from the manufacturers EaseUS, AOMEI and Acronis, it is possible to access high-quality and professional data recovery software for one's own needs.

Always the best choice for business

Data backup programs are a good choice not only for private applications, but also for business purposes. Even before an emergency, they offer the opportunity to ensure a full and well thought-out recording and to resort to suitable solutions. To secure data, professional backups are usually one of the simplest means. Thus, data backup becomes a holistic and detailed application to improve operational security and unified data flow.

The loss of data is a major risk factor for any company, which is why modern and structured concepts are essential. These are provided by modern systems from EaseUS, Acronis and AOMEI, which provide the appropriate structures for all types of data. For classic documents and image files as well as for videos, mails and audio files, you can thus ensure a fast recovery and make the systems more flexible. Data storage thus becomes a decisive approach.

Your reasons for professional data backup

To ensure that all content is backed up professionally, you can choose from numerous programs for data backup. These can do much more than just design and implement backups, but are also a good choice in other areas. The following functions and applications are part of data backup in this regard and make it possible to ensure practical and convenient implementation:

  • Reacting to hard disk damage
  • Storage and recording of data
  • Clearly arranged storage and data recording
  • Restoration and shaping of data packages
  • Protection against the loss of individual partitions
  • Holistic recording of data collections

Of course, which functions are used in the operational application depends on your individual needs. With the right data protection solution, it is easy to optimize existing structures and ensure that data protection can once again be fully focused on. The numerous offers from manufacturers such as AOMEI or Acronis create additional flexibility and simplify the sending and transferring of data.

With Acronis to modern services

For complete image backups as well as individual backups of folders and files, Acronis True Image is a great choice. With a one-time purchase, you can create countless backups, for example, to manage external hard drives or to take care of the necessary network shares. In this respect, an efficient protection for your data awaits you, allowing you to benefit from a clear management.

To keep an eye on security while creating new backups, this should only be done via selected WLAN networks. With Acronis, therefore, there is the possibility of providing secure and clear management. Both uploads and downloads of backups thus become a secure and reliable affair within the framework of Acronis. If you are looking for a modern solution for backing up your own data, you can hardly go wrong with Acronis True Image.

EaseUS as a versatile data solution

There are also many professional solutions from EaseUS, which means that data backup can succeed without any qualitative restrictions. Solutions such as EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Professional 13.2 full version are ideal for both rescuing and designing and implementing backups. Thus, the optimal protection setting for your data does not take much time, allowing you to benefit from an excellent solution. Thus, around the offers of EaseUS, you'll have an easy time backing up your data and increasing its quality.

At this point, creating backups is an important approach that you should also use for yourself. Here, the type of industry does not matter, but only the amount and presence of the data you have. Thus, with modern solutions from EaseUS, you have the chance to connect all data collectively and build up a structured backup. This way, the protection around your company remains constant at all times.

Compact and reliable backups with AOMEI

Another provider with a wide range in the field of data backup is AOMEI. With AOMEI OneKey Recovery Professional, a device can be set to use the backup and recovery program, increasing the security of systems. Of course, the backup itself can be implemented for individual partitions or for the entire hard disk. This way, you keep control around your storage space at all times and know how to use your AOMEI software for data backup.

Thanks to the advanced settings, you can expect numerous options for design and implementation. Also, the encryption and compression function is great for saving storage space and keeping the normal state within the storage. In this way, with AOMEI you'll benefit from a backup that will protect you from hackers and at the same time allow you to cover yourself for systemic failures. As a result, recovery does not become a problem, but can be realized within the shortest possible time.

Backup before recovery - keeping the structure intact

If the data backup is no longer sufficient, data recovery is usually used. However, in most cases this is very price-intensive and could be avoided with a well thought-out backup concept. The packages from the manufacturers EaseUS, AOMEI, and Acronis are a popular choice here and make it easy to secure yourself optimally. If the danger of data loss is imminent, there are no more critical situations this way.

With a structured concept within the data backup, you therefore have it in your hands to avoid the rescue as completely as possible. With so many advantages, it is easy to ensure that systems are backed up and that you always have an overview. In combination with the necessary security, it is much easier to focus on the actual activities in the company and to work on a structured solution.

Ideal for any device

Diversity for additional devices is also a decisive advantage when it comes to selecting suitable software. This is why many of our software offerings offer the option of multiple licenses, which means that recovery need not be a problem. The more devices thus have the necessary data, the better the structuring and interpretation of one's own content will work. But why does it make sense to connect data backup with company smartphones and tablets?

  • Clear display on all devices
  • Simple and location-independent access
  • Encryption in all environments
  • Immediate backup on smartphone inputs
  • Easy merge for any restore
  • Fast and remote system reset

Back up your internal data now

Now, if you want to secure yourself just in case, you can choose the appropriate software. Thus, with EaseUS, AOMEI and Acronis, you have the perfect set for operational backup and resort to structured solutions. This way, you are prepared for the worst case scenario and can rely on a structured backup. Combined with the wide selection, it's best to simply decide for yourself which applications are best. With our manufacturers, you always get the latest products and can back up your data. This way, you will always stay up to date when it comes to your data backup.


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Digital products, product keys and access to the download centre will be made available to you by e-mail immediately after your purchase.
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Blitzhandel24 is an EHI, TrustedShops and CHIP certified online brand shop. Blitzhandel24 also offers its customers permanent support, as well as support for the purchased product. If a product has not been used / redeemed, our customers can benefit from the money-back guarantee.
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